Un programa para todos
La tutorÃa uno a uno es lo que hacemos. Es TODO lo que hacemos. Y lo hemos estado haciendo desde 1904.
MentorÃa basada en la comunidad:
El objetivo de nuestro programa basado en la comunidad es abrir los ojos de los niños a las oportunidades fuera de su entorno inmediato. Los partidos hacen salidas y participan en actividades de bajo costo / sin costo en la comunidad, tales como: ir a un museo, andar en bicicleta, hacer caminatas, cocinar, inspirarse mutuamente para aprender cosas nuevas o simplemente pasar tiempo juntos y hablar. Cada partido es único y desarrolla un horario que funciona para ellos.
MentorÃa basada en el sitio:
Aunque se lleva a cabo en las escuelas, nuestro programa de tutorÃa en el sitio no se limita al aula. Algunos Littles hablan con sus Bigs sobre la clase, hacen la tarea o leen juntos; otros juegan juegos de mesa, tiran al aro en el gimnasio o juegan en el patio de recreo. Además de brindar apoyo académico, este programa de mentores brinda amistad, orientación e inspira a Littles a alcanzar su máximo potencial.
Plus basado en el sitio:
Una combinación de tutorÃa escolar y comunitaria. Los partidos se reúnen semanalmente en la escuela Little's durante la hora del almuerzo / recreo mientras la escuela está en sesión. Los partidos también pueden pasar tiempo en la comunidad después de la escuela, los fines de semana y durante las vacaciones escolares.
Sports Buddies:
Matches meet one to two times per month and participate in sports-based activities. Sports Buddies activities are designed to deepen mentoring relationships while supporting self-confidence, goal setting, collaboration, skill-development and healthy lifestyles. Activities range from spectator sports such as professional, collegiate and high school basketball, football, soccer, lacrosse and baseball to participatory activities such as kickball, flag football, Ultimate Frisbee, hiking and fishing, biking, kayaking, bowling or golf. The possibilities are endless!
Bigs in BlueSM:
a one-to-one youth mentoring program that connects youth with police in communities throughout our nation, building strong, trusting, lasting relationships. These relationships can help build stronger bonds between law enforcement and the families they serve. Each officer is required to commit to a minimum of one year in the program and meet with their Little for at least two hours per month. Officers are vetted and trained just like all our civilian volunteer mentors.
High School Bigs Mentoring Program powered by The Stratton Foundation
BBBSVT has teamed up with The Stratton Foundation to match "Littles" from Currier, The Dorset, School, Flood Brook Elementary and Manchester Elementary Middle School with "Bigs" from Burr & Burton Academy. Bigs and Littles meet weekly at school and participate in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities.
Beyond School Walls
Littles are engaged in a one-to-one mentoring relationship with a business professional. Match meetings normally occur on at least a monthly basis during the school year, typically where the Big works; and the Big and Little participate in educational programming focused on workforce readiness, including career exploration, professional skill development, and team building activities.
Remote/Virtual Mentoring:
Provide friendship and positive guidance, share your interests and hobbies, and inspire a young person to broaden their sense of what’s possible...virtually! You can meet with a child “remotely” by video-conference, email, texting, phone calls and good-old-fashioned mail. You'll also have use of a secure messaging program "TheApp" designed specifically for Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Virtual mentorships can change to in-person relationships later, depending on the needs and preferences of participants.