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BBBSVT is proud and happy to announce our 2025 Big and Little of the Year Julianne and Arianna!


Ari shared that since she and Julianne had been matched for over five years, they would make great spokespeople for the organization and we couldn’t agree more.


Julianne signed up to be a volunteer with the desire to do something meaningful in the community in a different capacity from her career. Julianne has a long history in education.


In signing Ari up to be a Little, Ari’s dad expressed that what Ari needed was a consistent, positive female role model in her life. Julianne has been able to be this for Ari and Ari’s dad has shared that he can't imagine a better person in Ari's life.


Congratulations to Julianne and Arianna! 💚

¡Gracias por visitar Big Brothers Big Sisters of Vermont!

Nuestros hijos necesitan conexiones sociales ahora más que nunca . Ofrecemos programas de mentores escolares y comunitarios que encienden el poder y la promesa de los jóvenes para los niños y jóvenes de 6 a 17 años o más en todo Vermont. ¡Todo lo que se necesita es una hora a la semana para marcar una gran diferencia en la vida de un niño!

¡Conozca nuestro nuevo Programa de Mentoría Virtual !

Haga clic a continuación para conocer a Big y Little Keith y Luke, quienes le mostrarán de qué se trata la mentoría.

Are you here to learn more about mentoring or to inquire about referring your child to the program?


Take the first step today.  Look through our website, gather your thoughts and questions, and contact us at 802-689-0092 or  We'll put you in touch with our friendly, professional program staff who will answer all of your questions and walk you through the application process. 


PLEASE NOTE: Our business office is located in Brattleboro.  Our staff work remotely.   Children and youth ages 6-17 throughout Vermont are welcome to apply. 

Thank you to our Generous 2024 Sponsors!

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24 Flat St., Suite 202

Brattleboro, VT 05301

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